Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

#cumamikir 7

#cumamikir 7

The Mask

Doctors are forced to deal with various kind of patients. The calm ones, the easy-to-get-angry, the stubborn, the lazy ones, you name it. The worst yet best part of it isthe doctors must maintain their emotion and keep smiling while they are facing all those people.meven when they are tired, hungry, dissapointed, etc.

Most people think that doctors are patient, always smile, never get angry, and other godly things. Yes we are. When we are in front of you, our beloved patients! We do get angry, we do look like grumpy but we never express those feelings in front of you because it does no good. No one would like to get scold when they are sick.

One of hospital i was trained in have a motto called 6S:
Senyum : smile
Sapa: greets
Sentuh: touch
Sopan: good attitude/behaviour
Santun: say good words
Sabar: be patient

Yes, we are doing our best to do those 6S while we are inside the hospital/clinic in front of our patients and collegue but please let us take off those fake mask when we are outside. Please, let us become our real self while we are not on duty. It is not that we are not friendly but some people just cannot easily get along well with new people, some people just don't like to do small useless chit-chat, and some people are tired of being sorrounded with a lot of people and need to go inside their private bubble to recharge their energy.

Please, don't force us to use that fake mask when we are off-duty. Let us be ourselves so that we can recharge our energy and come back to serve you on our best.


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